What it is
It's the way the sun streams in the skylight
It's taking a cup of tea back to bed
It's the last crisp in the bag when you thought there were no more left
It's that load-bearing feeling of when it's still light at 5pm
It's a letter on the mat from one of your favourite people
It's getting Wordle in 3
It's laughing at in-joke laden whatsapp chat
It's remembering the most filmic moments of your life
It's starlings peppering the sky on your walk home
It's a timely hug from a child you adore
It's when a song transports you through time
It's when a song reminds you of love
It's a glass of wine when cooking
It's a sunrise swim
It's the first peep of a seedling
It's walking off the plane into warmth
It's opening the door to a lovely face
It's good, all this we get.