
When it grows dark 
at four pm in June,
you know the show is going to be good-
you know you will eagerly await
that first drop, 
and the smell as it lands on
a handful of coins.
Something about summer rainfall
makes you feel things,
and it overwhelms you sometimes.
In this moment,
you think you remember how it feels
to be as cold as ice in winter,
but it's as far away as Saturn now,
as the ice melts in your drink
and your legs are glued to your chair.
When you go back outside
everything is washed clean,
the sun comes out again
like nothing ever happened - 
you wish the rain had made you
feel different, 
fed or cleansed.
Perhaps you just need to sleep,
you think,
as the late low sun glares right at you
from the wet road,
bright as a sheet of metal.


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