Heat haze

The middle distance wobbles with the
year's first heat haze,
while alliums dance with oversized heads
that bob in time to the whisper breeze.
Lazy hand-drawn trails of suggested clouds
are nothing to spoil
the impossible blue,
where Holly Blues flit madly -
where it feels
foolish to try and spot them against the sky.
The cluttered thoughts of last night's sleeplessness
are nothing today,
a careless collection of unimportant items -
it feels a relief until the night rolls around.
You dream that night of strangers' hands
clamouring to get in your front door
that you are unable to close -
it's warm at nights now,
and the sun creeps into your bedroom at 4am.
Tiny moments add up to making everything ok:
a bottle of wine,
a paycheque,
a sunny walk,
a kiss in the kitchen.
It's June next week,
you think,
and all this year you've thought it seemed a lifetime away.


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