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So easy to see the curated roundups and wonder was mine like that? Was it all beaming sunsets and  glossy groups cheersing matching drinks in a circle? For every perfect coffee flatlay there’s a day spent staring into nothing, but that’s okay.  There’s magic in the little things when the staring days pass.  Yes I stepped out of a taxi in the one week of spring when the orange blossom filled the streets of Athens,  every step perfumed.  I also fell down a hole  about my eye bags.  Yes I swam in a crystal sea and stole a blindingly white stone for home - I’ve also ugly cried in the middle of a curry house. It doesn’t have to be a perfect grid, and my fringe isn’t always straight, and the deep fatigue can come and go.  Sometimes it’s more about a hand slipping into mine walking around Sainsbury’s.  Or the way my nephews deliver their bone-crunching tight hugs, my friends making me hoot with laughter. It’s absolutely fine that an achievement is...

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Flying Ant Day

Spring equinox

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Last hurrah